On-Page SEO
Please provide the following details:
Enter Validation Code
An admin access to your website (wordpress, shopify, wix, square, etc)
An admin access to your web host (applicable to WordPress and Joomla)
Please provide a list of your keyword?
Please provide a list of your competitor?
States / Country to rank
Please provide your SEO content including tag description, tag lines and website H1, and H2.
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Please add " tempwebzau@gmail.com " to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console if you have them setup already.
Price ( Select website type )
Business Site ( $250 )
Ecommerce Site ( $500 )
Please be advised that SEO is a long-term investment. It takes up to 14 days for the sitemap to get indexed by Google.
Credit Card
Card Details
Cardholder Name